
Monday, December 28, 2009

Iran at Breaking Point?

The clashes continue in Iran with government forces on one side and supporters of the opposition candidate on the other.

Iran has closed up it's country to foreign reporters and shut down much of it's Internet and cell phone service in an attempt to control what the world is seeing. But enough is slipping out that we know it's more than just a few people throwing rocks at police.

Videos posted online from Tehran show protesters with their heads covered in blood, in some cases requiring help walking from fellow demonstrators. Witnesses said members of the Basij, the government's militia, were smashing protesters on the head with their batons.

Two other gruesome videos show protesters in the streets who appear to have just been killed.

The videos also seem to show a growing fearlessness, a fierceness among the demonstrators that has people around the world asking whether the revolt will one day spell the end of Iran's Islamic republic.

Read more here;

What could this mean from a prophetic point of view? Could all this unrest be good for Israel and good for the international community that is trying to stop Iran's nuclear ambitions?

Or, on the other hand, could it be bad for Israel and bad for the rest of us because the nuclear program could be taken over by the Revolutionary Guard who may want to start some type of military skirmish to take the heat off of them and try to get folks focused on hating Israel rather than hating the Iranian government?

We simply don't know but this event may either slow prophetic movement down a little bit....or it may speed things up if Iran starts shooting things in the air towards Israel...or convinces Hezbollah that they should.

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