
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

China's Veiled Threat

Earlier today we posted about China warning the U.S.

Now, there is a little more to the story that merits mention.

China's Missile Test: A Symbolic Warning to U.S.

China invented fireworks some 1,000 years ago in hopes of scaring away evil spirits. On Monday, it successfully tested a missile-defense system aimed at scaring away the U.S. from defending the island nation of Taiwan. By shooting down one missile with another, China demonstrated its growing military prowess. But it also telegraphed its anger over last week's sale of U.S. Patriot interceptor missiles to Taiwan. Taipei would use the Patriots to blunt any attack by Beijing's 1,100 missiles poised just across the Taiwan Strait. China has threatened to use force should Taiwan, which has had its own political system for the past six decades, opt for independence.

Read more:,8599,1953233,00.html?xid=rss-topstories

The Bible talks about the "kings of the east" crossing the dried up Euphrates River as a huge army descends on Jerusalem. Could this be foreshadowing that China will continue to rise up and take center stage?

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