
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

100,000 Dead

The depth of destruction of the killer earthquake in Haiti is still being uncovered, but the Prime Minister believes more than 100,000 could have lost their lives.

This may prove to be a major birth pang that the Bible warns us the earth continues to groan....and it groans more and more as we edge nearer to The Tribulation.

Haitian Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive said “well over” 100,000 people may have died in yesterday’s earthquake, as the United Nations and relief groups rushed aid to the Western Hemisphere’s poorest country.

Haiti’s population of 9.6 million has a per capita income of about $560, with 54 percent of Haitians living on less than $1 a day and 78 percent on less than $2 daily, according to the World Bank. The gross domestic product was $7 billion in 2008. The country is still recovering from four tropical storms or hurricanes that killed at least 800 people in 2008.

Read it here;

Question...why is Haiti the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere? And why has there been so much destruction focused on such a tiny area?

Maybe because of Satan?

Voodoo endured (in Haiti) despite these efforts and was finally accepted as the formal religion of Haiti in 2003. While it is technically true to say that Voodoo has only existed as an orthodox practice since the late 1980s, when the restrictions against it were lifted, and as a recognised world religion for only a few years, in reality its roots are as ancient as African history.

Read this here;

Or this from Christian Action article in 2004;

Haiti was officially dedicated to Satan in 1791. It was rededicated to Satan during the two hundred year anniversary in 1991 by Aristide.
At that time, it was noted that Aristide had, behind his desk in his presidential office, a huge oil painting of a necklace murder. Aristide was quoted as having described the smell of burning petrol and human flesh in a necklace murder as "a most beautiful aroma".

Not surprisingly, this country beset by occultism is the poorest state in the Western hemisphere. The vast majority of the population of Haiti are actively involved in Voodoo. Haiti has the worst soil-erosion, pollution, and de-forestation problems in the Americas.

Although they share the same island, the contrast between the predominantly Christian Dominican Republic with its lush rainforests and fertile farms, and the deforested, eroded mess that is Haiti could not be more acute.

Read here;

Apostle Paul tells us in Ephesians that our battle is not with flesh and blood but with the unseen demons and Satanic powers that are running rampant on earth. Here's a revelation.....maybe Paul is telling us the truth!!

Maybe Satan is the prince of this earth....and it is only the Holy Spirit indwelling in born again Christians that restrain his unbridled power?

1 Thessalonians tells us that all hell will break loose and the Anti-Christ will be revealed when the Holy Spirit (restrainer of evil) is withdrawn. That event is called the rapture of the Church.

Are we starting to see what happens to countries where The Restrainer is already absent?

Could we start expecting chaos to break out in other cities, states and countries that are mostly devoid of the Holy Spirit?

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