
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Doomsday Clock

There certainly is an intense fascination these days with the destruction of the world.

The Doomsday Clock has been around for a while and some group of scientists meet every so often to show how close the world is to wiping itself out of the universe.

Tomorrow, for the first time ever, you can watch them change the time on the clock. Will they move it closer to midnight....or with the rise of Obama and his outstretched hand of peace...will they move the clock further away from midnight?

The infamous Doomsday Clock will reset Thursday, the first time its hands have moved since 2007. Whether the Clock will tick closer or further from midnight, suggesting the world is either more or less safe from nuclear weapons and other potential man-made disasters, will be revealed at 10 a.m. EST tomorrow at the New York Academy of Sciences Building in New York City.

For the first time, the announcement will also be broadcast live over the Internet. Viewers can tune in at

Read article here;

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