
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Could Japan Bust First?

We have been very focused on the financial dysfunction in the USA because it is the #1 economy on planet earth and also because we all live here, and it will directly affect us all.

But how about the #2 economy, Japan....what are they up to?

I'm sorry to report...they may be in worse condition than us...and may have to file bankruptcy first.

The only reason why this has not yet blown up is because investors (mostly Japanese) have not yet had the leap in imagination required to understand their predicament, and act on it. That roughly is the argument of Dylan Grice from Societe Generale in his latest Popular Delusions note released today. “A global fiasco is brewing in Japan.”

Will it happen, this week, this month, this year, or will Tokyo keep the illusion of solvency going for years longer? Who knows. Japan is an endlessly mystifying society. But as Mr Grice puts it, if you are sitting on a tectonic fault line, expect an earthquake.

Read full article here;

Some will ask, what does Japan have to do with Biblical prophesy? Why should we care?

The simple answer is that the world will come apart if Japan and the U.S. both need to file for bankruptcy protection with the International Monetary Fund. Do you remember world history of what events helped lead the world into WWII? I'll give you a big problems.

The other simple answer is that once that happens...the world will be VERY close to having a global financial system that will be run by the IMF....and they already have a currency in place that the entire globe would use.

The road is currently being paved for the Antichrist to drive in on.....can you see it being built?

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