
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Turkey Turns

We have been watching closely as Turkey turns against Israel. The Bible said it would's just that many watchers are amazed at just how quickly it has happened.

More evidence of this quick turn is headlined today.
Report: Turkey warns Lebanon that Israel may be planning attack

At a meeting in Ankara with Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri and President Michel Suleiman on Monday, Erdogan declared that Israel was endangering world peace by using exaggerated force against the Palestinians, breaching Lebanon's air space and waters and for not revealing the details of its nuclear program.

Erdogan called on the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council to pressure Israel over its nuclear program in the same way that the international community has been dealing with Iran.

"Israel never denied that it has nuclear weapons," said Erdogan. "In fact, it has admitted to such." "Those who are cautioning Iran must also caution Israel," Erdogan declared. "If we fail to display a fair attitude in this region, the problems will hit not only the region, but will spread elsewhere as well. The unrest of the Middle East is the unrest of the world."

Read it here;

So there you have it....the world will start focusing attention on the nukes that Israel has, but has never publicly confirmed...and Iran will keep cooking their own nukes while Turkey and Russia look on with approval.

And Turkey, who was once the best friend that Israel had in the Middle East, looks more like a back stabber.

And the Ezekiel 38 coalition continues to gel.

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