
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Earth is Groaning

We haven't posted much about earthquakes and such in the recent past because they are happening so frequently....but the recent outburst of strange weather, quakes and volcanoes in the past week merits a blurb.

Beijing China has been interrupted by record snowfall;

Seoul is also reporting record snowfall;

Quake strikes Solomon Islands;

Big quake strikes South Sandwich Islands;

Record cold all across Europe;

And I don't need to remind us all sitting in Minnesota that the whole U.S. is sitting under a blanket of record cold and snow from here to Florida to Maine.

A quake in Tajikistan;

A volcano erupted in Congo;

And a volcano erupted in the Philippines;

Friends, this IS NOT business as usual for planet earth. What we are experiencing is birth pangs. The world is groaning under the weight of sin. It is longing for the day when Christ will remake it into the wonderful place it once was....before sin entered mankind. A time when the lion will lay down with the lamb. A time when the crops will come so fast that the harvester will literally follow the planter.

This day is closer than it has ever been.

Are we all ready to meet our Lord in the clouds? Are we all ready for that day when we hear the trumpets and the loud voice saying, "Come up here!"

If we aren't....then ask Jesus, the Lord of the harvest, to purify our hearts and transform our minds.

And by all means....let's stay busy doing the Lord's work in these last that He will find us busy and working when He returns for us.

Amen....come Lord Jesus!

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