
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

War With Syria

Remember about 3 1/2 years ago when Israel and Hezbollah slugged it out? The war took place in Lebanon and Hezbollah claimed victory simply because of the fact that they survived the onslaught of IDF forces. (Israeli Defense Force)

A new war between the IDF and Hezbollah has been brewing ever since the cease fire was signed in 2006....and the next one WILL prove to be much more catastrophic. Why??

Because Syria will not sit the next one out but has now publicly promised to fight with Hezbollah in the next war....which could happen in 2010.

If Israel were to attack Hizbullah in Lebanon, Syria would respond and not sit idly by, the Katari Al Watan newspaper quoted Syrian sources as saying in a report published Wednesday.
The sources reportedly added that Damascus considered any threat to Lebanon's security and stability as a threat to Syria's security.

The paper reported that Damascus was worriedly taking notice of "Israeli deployment and maneuvers along the northern border," and that Syrian leadership assessed Israel was planning a military operation in Lebanon in May.

Read it here;

Remember folks, we need to pay close attention whenever you see Damascus and Israel mentioned in the same article. Isaiah 17 has not been fulfilled and it could be very close to becoming a reality.

If you haven't read Isaiah 17 lately, I invite you to go and read it. The word of God never returns void.

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