
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Gate's Warning

The U.S. Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates is in the news today....talking about some pretty intense things...mainly that Muslim extremists (Taliban, Al Qaida, etc...) are joining forces to destabilize the entire region where Pakistan, Afghanistan and India all come together.

Please remember that India and Pakistan have been in a low-grade, continual state of war over the Kashmirs region for decades.

Also please remember that India has blamed last years terrorist attack in Mumbai...on forces within Pakistan...and their patience simply won't allow another terrorist attack coming from forces within Pakistan.

And finally, please remember that India and Pakistan both have nuclear weapons and have been in cold war ever since they both blew up their first nukes a handful of years ago.

Several terror groups under al-Qaida are working in the Afghan-Pakistan area to destabilize the region including India, a top U.S. official said Wednesday.

Speaking at a news conference in New Delhi, visiting U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates, warning the threat comes from a "syndicate of terrorist operators" along the Afghan-Pakistan border, said it would not suffice to go just after one extremist group, The New York Times reported.

Gates also warned India's patience would be "limited" if it faced another attack similar to the one last November that killed more than 160 people in Mumbai, blamed on the Lashkar-e-Toiba in Pakistan, the Press Trust of India reported.

Read it here;

This news falls under the prophetic category of "wars and rumors of wars".

It would also fit under the prophetic category of, "decline of USA" we are not hopeful about the outcome of the US led war in Afghanistan.

There is a reason that history has labeled Afghanistan the, "Graveyard of nations."

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