
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Rifle Scopes and Muslims

Earlier this week, our guest blogger, Lisa, posted an article from ABC News that a U.S. scope company was putting Bible verse references on scopes they built for a military contract.

Again, this was a private company that has been doing this for their own faith reasons and it amounts to a tiny number next to the serial number...that no other person could even see...or have any idea what it meant if they could see it!

But guess who is upset?

Muslim groups reacted angrily Wednesday after it emerged that the US military in Iraq and Afghanistan were using rifle sights inscribed with coded Biblical references.

The company producing the sights, which are also used to train Afghan and Iraqi soldiers under contracts with the US Army and the Marine Corps, said it has inscribed references to the New Testament on the metal casings for over two decades.

Surprise!! Muslim groups are upset!

Read it here;

And now this U.S. company will probably lose it's contract.

The Secular Coalition for America demanded the US military end its contracts with Trijicon.

How long until the angry Muslim groups demand that chapel services be forbidden at West Point and the Naval Academy? How long until angry Muslim groups demand that we remove all the white crosses at Fort Snelling? There is literally no end to things they could demand.

Persecution is certainly coming for those who claim to be followers of Christ and those who believe that the Bible is the Word of God.

Today that persecution seems to be landing on Trijicon scope company.

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