
Friday, January 22, 2010

References Will Be Removed

Just to put a cap on the story about the U.S. scope company....they will be removing any reference to Bible verses.

"Trijicon has proudly served the US military for more than two decades, and our decision to offer to voluntarily remove these references is both prudent and appropriate," the firm, founded by a devout Christian, said in a statement released on Friday.

Friends, make no mistake about it....this is foreshadowing of coming persecution.

Once again, the angry Muslims and "offended" media have forced the removal of Jesus from the public square....and this was just a tiny, itty-bitty number that only the scope user could see.


  1. I hate the fact that I could see this coming. However, I assumed it would be the government dumping the sights, or demanding the removal of the scripture verses. I never imagined that the company would abandon the principals they were founded on for the sake of appeasement and fear. A sad sign of things continuing to deteroriate, and a sign for us to continue to gird ourselves in pure truth.

  2. Amen!! Girding ourselves in pure truth will be our only chance of understanding what is coming. As it was in the days of Noah...everyone was just carrying on, eating, drinking, marrying....and when the flood came, they were all swept away. I pray Jesus will come BEFORE we have to endure too much deception/persecution....but we need to be ready if He tarries.
