
Friday, January 22, 2010

Use the "Visitors" Help

Many of you have heard me broach the very strange subject matter of "aliens". If you are new to this site, you may want to use the search engine on it and type in "aliens" or "fallen angels" and you should be able to bring yourself up to speed.

We believe that the current phenomenon of "alien" sightings and abductions are's simply that they aren't aliens but rather the fallen angels and demons who are doing the deceitful work of their leader....Satan....the Father of all Lies....the Prince of the power of the air.

And make know mistake about it...the world has been sufficiently deceived. With the raft of "alien" movies that have bombarded us for the past 60 years, the people of planet earth have been sufficiently conditioned to accept them as "aliens" and will welcome them and want to learn from them when they arrive again and re-insert themselves into human history.

Below I have posted a video from Youtube that shows the former Canadian Minister of Defense stating that humans were offered "alien" technology decades ago. He goes on to make even more incredible claims.

Watch it here;

"The Spirit clearly says that in later times (near the end of the last days?) some will abandon the faith (apostasy?) and follow deceiving spirits (fallen angels masquerading as aliens?) and things taught by demons." (aliens offering us help?) 1 Timothy 4:1

Jesus tells his followers to watch and that we may not be deceived. How many of earth's inhabitants are listening to Jesus and doing what He says?

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