
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Lebanon War Inevitable

Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon had a war in 2006. It appears they are heading for another one...some in Israel are saying it is inevitable and it may start soon.

If this happens they are saying it could spread to include Damascus. When that happens then Psalm 83 and Isaiah 17 fulfillment could be on the horizon.

Earlier in the day, Minister-without-Portfolio Yossi Peled had said, "Without a doubt we are heading for another round (of fighting) in the North. No one knows when, but it's clear that it will happen."

Also Saturday, The Washington Post reported that Hizbullah had moved long-range-missile launch pads into both northern Lebanon and the Bekaa Valley, and that there was little the UN presence in the area could do to stop a war between Israel and the guerrilla group.

Read it here;

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