
Thursday, January 7, 2010

Kill All the Jews!

The AP is reporting that a man on a Northwest flight yelled that he wanted to kill all the Jews.

Of course, you can't do that on an he was removed and the flight was delayed.

MIAMI — US authorities arrested an unruly air passenger minutes before takeoff of an airplane bound from Miami to Detroit, after the man shouted that he wanted to "kill all the Jews," police said Thursday.

Mansor Mohammed Asad, 43, was removed from the Northwest Airlines flight late Wednesday at the Miami International Airport and charged with disorderly conduct and other offences, police said.
"He is in jail in Miami and facing several charges for threats, disorderly conduct and resisting his arrest without violence. He will be prosecuted," Miami-Dade police spokeswoman Veronica Ferguson told AFP.

Read it here;

Does it come as a surprise to anyone that this guys name had "Mohammed" in it? If you refer to our previous post from last week titled SEARCH THE WHITE will see that we recommended paying close attention to anyone boarding a plane who had the Mohammed or Abdullah.

I will expand that list to include anyone with the name "Asad" somewhere on their ID.

Once upon a time there was a man who witnessed a murder. The Star Tribune was the first one to have a reporter on scene talking to this witness. They asked him, "What did you see?"

The witness started to explain, "I saw a large black guy with a huge afro jump out of the alley and scream 'give me all your money!' at this well dressed white guy walking on the sidewalk. I guess the white guy must have taken too long to open his wallet cuz the black dude stabbed him and ran away with his wallet!"

The next day the Star Tribune ran a sentence about the murder.
"Yesterday a man who had money was accidentally killed by a man who needed money."

When you ignore obvious facts for the sake of political correctness....the majority of us will end up on the short end of a very dangerous stick.

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