
Thursday, January 7, 2010

Killer Asteroid is Coming

We all know we live in a violent universe. Space rocks are flying around everywhere crashing into things. Shoot....just look at the moon and you can see with the naked eye that it is covered with craters made by huge rocks crashing into it.

The last really huge rock that crashed into earth was in 1908 and it happened to collide in an uninhabited part of the planet in Siberia...which is in northern Russia. The rock was probably only 100 feet across but the explosion was so huge it flattened 1000 square miles of forest and destroyed 100,000,000 trees. They figure the impact produced an explosion 1000 times bigger than the nuke dropped on Hiroshima. The shock waves were detected in Europe and the explosion created a strange glow that spread all over Asia and Europe making it possible to read your paper at night in London.

And all that happened because a 100 foot rock it our planet.

Now imagine a 1000 foot rock coming for us. If it hit it could destroy a continent and billions of people.

According to this article in yesterday's Wall Street Journal an asteroid called Apothis is 1000 feet across and it is going to make a very close pass to planet the year 2029. It will pass so close that it will travel between our communications satellites.

What if they are wrong and it hits us?

A hit from Apothis, however, would be another story. It would be a "country buster," capable of creating fire storms, shock waves, and a rain of fiery debris that would destroy an area almost the size of France, or perhaps the entire Northeast of the U.S. The energy of the impact would be roughly 100,000 times that of the Hiroshima bomb. If it hits the Pacific Ocean, it could also generate a huge tidal wave, a gigantic wall of water that could swamp most coastal cities in the Americas and Asia. An impact from an Apothis-like asteroid is estimated to happen once in a thousand years. (The worst case scenario, however, would be an impact from a "planet buster" as little as six miles across, like the one that hit Mexico and probably wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.)

Read it here;

Remember, the Bible tells us that there will be lots of strange things in the sky in the Last days. Revelation also tells us that during the Tribulation a asteroid called Wormwood will hit the earth and cause all sorts of chaos for those left behind.

It's interesting that the Russians (currently one of the most Godless place on the planet) are the one's who are ramping up ideas on how to combat killer asteroids. Could they be the one's at Armegeddon who actually attempt to fight God with guns, tanks and missiles?

As for us...we're glad we can live with the peace of the Holy Spirit that tells us everyday to "fear not!"

We don't know what tomorrow will bring but as long as we know where we will spend eternity....all the silly worries of planet earth all just kind of fade into the background.

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