
Friday, January 29, 2010

Luke Warm and Lovin' it!

Most of us in America are probably aware of the passage in Revelation 3, which is a rebuke/warning from God to the Church in Laodicea, "....since you are luke warm I am about to spit you out!"

Most of us are also probably aware that Laodicea seems painfully similar to the current Church in America. Does that bother us?? If it doesn' sure should!!

With that as a backdrop, please watch this sermon from a preacher in Southern Cal who is passionately pointing out the obvious.

Lord, please forgive us for trusting in our wealth instead of trusting in You. Please help us seek first the Kingdom of God and trust You to provide the things You know that we need....not the things that we want...but the things You know we need to carry out the good works that You have prepared, in advance, for us to do. Amen...Come Lord Jesus.

Hat tip to Julie E.

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