
Friday, January 29, 2010

More Than a Feeling

Over the past year we have pointed out that attacks on Jews (anti-Semitism) seemed to be on the rise. We pointed out that it is a signature sign of Satan himself...first he comes after the Jews and then he comes after the Children of the Light. (Christians indwelt with the Holy Spirit)

It now appears to be official with this headline;
Report: Record high number of anti-Semitic acts in 2009
Annual report shows worrying increase in violent incidents against Jews in Western Europe, indicates 43% of Europeans think Jews 'exploit past in order to extort money'

You can read it all here;,7340,L-3838933,00.html


  1. Thanks Dennis, for your continued faithfulness in keeping up this blog. Great finds and great insights. Blessings

  2. Thank you for the encouragement...and for blessing me.
