
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Mocking God

Students of the Bible understand very clearly that once the Jews were regathered back to the Holy Land, that their country Israel will never be totally destroyed again.

Obviously, the fulfilment of this prophecy happened in May 1948 when Israel declared itself an independent country. And ever since that day, many worshipers of Allah (Muslims) have been convinced that their #1 priority should be to destroy Israel.

And this call to wipe out Israel is currently building to a new crescendo...with Iran leading the calls.

In the past, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei (of Iran) has called Israel a "cancerous tumor" that must be wiped from the map, but the new comments mark the first time in years he has openly speculated about Israel's demise.
"Definitely, the day will come when nations of the region will witness the destruction of the Zionist regime," Khamenei was quoted as saying. "How soon or late (Israel's demise) will happen depends on how Islamic countries and Muslim nations approach the issue." He did not elaborate.

Read it here;

Again, students of the Bible understand clearly that the nations of the world will one day gather to destroy Israel...but God will supernaturally destroy the gathered armies. Interestingly enough...Iran is one of the named armies in Ezekiel 38 who will be decimated.

Do we see the irony here??....The leader of Iran says one day the nations of the region will destroy Israel. But in reality...they will be destroyed by the God of Jacob...who will fight for Israel as He did in the ancient days.

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