
Thursday, January 28, 2010

What is One Trillion?

The Trillion figure has been thrown around quite a bit these last few years as the U.S. discusses it's budget. Let's try and get our hands around what this number actually means.

If you counted the seconds in a day and kept counting to one would take you about 11 1/2 days.

If you wanted to keep counting to one would need to keep counting for 31.7 years!!

If you wanted to keep counting to one would need to keep counting for 31,700 years!!

That's a lot of of course it's a lot of dollars.

At the end of 2009, the U.S. national debt was around $12 Trillion dollars. It is projected to top $20 trillion by the end of this new decade....if all goes well. This staggering debt is forcing lots of investors all over the world to question the wisdom of investing in U.S. dollars.

As one central banker from China asked last year...."If we don't loan you the money...where are you going to go for more....the moon?"


  1. I know that I'm not telling you anything you don't already know, Dennis, but I just want to vent for a bit. Our national government (Dem's and Rep's) seems to think they can keep CREATING programs with no real means of paying for them. What ever happened to limited national government? States, counties, townships, cities, INDIVIDUALS. I hate to say this but since I've been living in the cities for the past few months, I've seen a huge entitelment mentality. We've seem think it's the governments job to take care of us. The folks in DC seem to think they aren't doing their job unless they get their name on some legislation. And if it happens to be 2000 pages long, all the better. It really pisses me off sometimes. "It takes a village" - well then let us who are in the villages take care of ourselves.

  2. I FULLY understand your need to fact, I just did it this morning with the church secratary. You are 100% right on! And you'll be happy to find out that in response to the looming budget fiasco, Team Obama just announced a multi-$$billions high speed train program that will further put us closer to the point of no return...if we aren't there already. Our government (both parties are guilty) has sold us down the river. God tells us that if we manage the resources well that He entrusts to us...that we will manage even more. But if we don't...why would He trust us with anything more? I can't help but wonder if this country is soon going to be "spit out" he warns the church at Laodicea.
