
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

War is Imminent

Even though our media has said next to nothing about this brewing cauldron....the pot is currently steaming as conflict continues to heat between forces in Lebanon and Israel.

Remember, following the 2006 war...UN peacekeepers were brought in to make sure Hizbullah didn't rearm. That obviously didn't they are now armed better than they were in 2006.

Lebanon is tittering between political bombast and trembling fear. While Hizbullah deputy-head Naim Kassem threatens Israel with missile attacks, the Beirut politicians including Prime Minister Saad Hariri, hear with trepidation Israeli threats to “destroy the infrastructures” of Lebanon, and not only Hizbullah sites, in the next round of fighting. Israeli Minister Yossi Peled cautioned that the next round after the summer war of 2006 is most likely in the offing during 2010.

Islamic movements and militias that either suffer a setback or have yet to secure a victory never agree to relinquish their weapons. Therefore, no alternative method will effectively save Lebanon until some force decisively defeats and forcibly disarms Hizbullah. A political solution to the problem with Hizbullah, like other Islamic country-case armed movements, does not exist.
The solution is just a matter of time, because history has taught us that, in the end, the arrogant and haughty always fall from power.

Read it here;

I said it last week and I'll say it again....go read Psalm 83 and understand that Gebal and Tyre are both in present-day Lebanon.

Could we soon be witnessing the fulfillment of Psalm 83? Let's watch and see.

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