
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Are We Alone?

Yesterday we talked about connecting the dots concerning the topic of "aliens". The article we posted talked about "aliens" coming to earth thousands of years ago and actually being responsible for starting human GOD didn't do was actually aliens!....or so says the article.

Also yesterday, a major mainstream media outlet was posting an article about the same thing, and here is the headline; Are we alone? We may soon find out

"I'm certainly pretty confident biologists will understand the origin of life on earth this century. I suspect in 20 years we will have much clearer ideas of how life began," he said.

"And that is going to be very important to answering how likely it is to have started elsewhere and where to look."

He added: "If we understood how life began on earth, that would give us a clue to how likely it was to originate elsewhere and what the optimum environments were."

Those expecting the exotic aliens of sci-fi films should extraterrestrials be discovered will be disappointed, however.

Many top minds say extraterrestrial life may be totally beyond our sensory abilities and comprehension.

"Even those who believe complex life is widespread aren't especially optimistic about current searches getting positive results," Rees said.

"There may be advanced life of a kind we can't conceive, a kind that doesn't reveal itself by electromagnetic radiation — a kind that isn't communicating at all."

Read it here;

Did you guys catch that sentence..."beyond our sensory abilities"?? Has any one of us seen ever seen an angel? Does the Bible tell us that they currently exist in a realm that we can see or comprehend? Of course it does. Pull out you Bible concordance and do a quick study on angels and see what you find.

Further, we know that when Jesus went up in the clouds, he was already in his glorified how come we can't see Jesus and where could he be? He obviously wasn't a spirit after the resurrection....but was actually a tangible being that Thomas, and many others, touched during the 40 days after the resurrection....and yet Jesus could walk through walls in his new body.

Clearly, Jesus is in another dimension that we simply can't comprehend while living in our 3-D world.

People I talk with about this topic sometimes say to me, "This topic is so bizarre that I am having trouble swallowing even the slightest possibility that it is true....seriously....aliens?....come on that's just too Hollywood-Sci-fi!"

Friends, let's look at some of the tenets of our faith if you want to talk about bizarre beliefs; we believe in a God that has always existed who sent his Son to shed blood for us so we could all go to a magical place when we die...a place we can't see. Furthermore, we believe that when sinless Jesus died he actually went to an unseen place far below the earth's surface where he spent three days setting the captives free. Upon completion of that mission, he rose from the dead and walked around in Jerusalem for 40 days while inhabiting a body that could walk through walls. He then said goodbye to his disciples and lifted off into the clouds without using an airplane. And then some angels showed up and told all the men that Jesus was going to come back in the same way someday.

If you believe that supernatural story (I hope we all do)....but yet you have trouble believing a supernatural story about fallen angels masquerading as "aliens" from another planet....then I invite you to ask yourselves why you are insisting on being so illogical? I invite you to open up your minds to the extreme supernatural abilities of God our creator and also the supreme power that Satan currently has to decieve mankind.

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