
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

North and South Korea

More wars and rumors of wars as the tension continues to build between North and South Korea.

"We have confirmed North Korea's firing of several artillery shells, but they did not cross the (Northern Limit Line)," Yonhap quoted Park Sung-woo, of Seoul's Joint Chiefs of Staff, as saying. "We are on high military alert."

Yonhap reported that the North Korean military fired first and South Korea responded, according to an unnamed government official at the presidential office.

Read it here;

Let's remember that the last time a Korean War broke out, there were tens of thousands that were killed from the US army alone...and China lined up with the North and the US lined up with the South.

If confrontation breaks out again, the same old allies may line up the same way they did 60 years ago....but this time we owe China $1 trillion dollars and desperately need them to keep our line of credit open. Do you think they would continue to loan us more money to buy bullets so we could shoot at them?

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