
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Alien Liars

We had a good discussion today in prophecy group about fallen angels masquerading as aliens from another planet. Evidence is all around in the Bible that these fallen angels have been here since Adam was created...and will be here until God releases them from the Abyss and terminates them once and for all. (2 Peter, Revelation, to name a few)

I won't begin again, in this post, to try and connect all the dots of aliens, Sumerians, Nibiru, the 12th Planet, 2012, Mayan calendar, pyramids of Egypt, Nephilim of Genesis 6, crop circles, cattle mutilations and alien abductions which report the harvesting of semen from men and ovum from women.

Hint; The Tower of Babel was in Babylon...which is in Iraq...which when it was being built the entire world spoke one language...and that language was Sumerian. Most prophecy watchers understand that ancient Babylon was where all forms of Satan worship has it's roots.

But it is interesting that the Catholic Church has also joined in the search for alien understanding. It's doubly interesting that most prophecy watchers believe that the Revived Roman Empire (where the Vatican sits) will play a part in the last days deception of One World Government and One World Religion.

RECENTLY, the Vatican has expressed interest in extraterrestrial life and the possibility that the modern-day UFO phenomenon may in reality be attempts at human contact by another "celestial race". Recent meetings between noted Hebrew scholar Zecharia Sitchin and Monsignor Corrado Balducci, Prelate of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples and the Propagation of the Faith (official sensor of the Vatican) does indeed substantiate the claim that the Vatican has been monitoring the situation for many years and is now expressing official "Papal" interest. When asked by an Italian newscrew for television if the Vatican has an official opinion on extraterrestrial contact, Balducci said: "There must be something in it." He also said that "extraterrestrials could be beings who are like us-more probably, beings more advanced than us...although in different proportions than human beings on Earth." A rather profound statement coming form the most powerful religious institution on earth eh? I suppose they see the truth coming, and seek to find a way to keep the "Masses" under their control when the truth is finally revealed.

Friends, I will post the following website but please understand that it is NOT a Biblical website. Far from it. It challenges all the claims of the Bible and goes on to explain the "True Origins of Man.".....mainly that we were brought here by an alien race who had ties with the ancient Sumerians (Babylonians) Assyrians and Persians (now called Iran).

Question.....are Babylon, Assyria and Persia mentioned much in the Bible that you and I read daily?? Of course they are.!!

Who is the Father of all lies? Who is the Prince of the power of the air? Who is that Great Deceiver?

Why did Jesus tell us over and over again to "Be not deceived"? Why did he tell us to meditate on scripture day and that we can discover the that the Truth will set us free? Free from what?....from the deceptive power of Satan's lies....who wants to drag us away from Christ's an attempt to thwart God.

Satan is currently practicing a "scorched earth" policy...meaning that he knows he has lost the war, so he is going to cause as much destruction as possible as he withdraws from lost territory.

The author of the site asks this question...which should spark some healthy curiosity amongst us Bible readers;

Starting with the Sumerians, the first great culture 6,000 years ago that spawned the Babylonians, Persians, and Assyrians, through ALL subsequent "Intelligent advanced civilizations" and "non-advanced" indigenous cultures including the American Indians of North America, Mayan and Inca empires of South America, Aborigines of Australia, ancient Chines and Hindu text scriptures from the Far East, Egyptians, of the Middle East, Dogons of Africa, and the Greek and Roman Gods of "mythology", every culture accepted for a fact that heavenly beings (Or Gods) had created Man kind. (In their own likeness, no less). Some coincidence to be a "myth", huh?

Read it here and maybe use some of the concepts and ideas to springboard you into your own search for Biblical understanding on this huge Satanic deception;

The Bible gives us hints (and science has confirmed them) that most of reality remains invisible from the human eye. Could Ephesians 6 (Paul) be telling us the exact truth when he tells us that our battle isn't against flesh and blood but REALLY is against the powers of this dark world and against the "spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms"!!!

Let's ask ourselves.....Do we really believe the entire Bible...or only the parts that we can fit into our limited understanding of the universe?

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