
Monday, January 25, 2010

Two Quacks in the Duckhouse

It seems that Syrian president, Assad, and Libya's president, Gaddafi...had a meeting over the weekend. Do you think it was to discuss the tragedy in Haiti? Or maybe to discuss how they can bring clean water and jobs to their citizens? Or maybe how they can cooperate on a literacy program to educate the women of their societies?

Nope. None of the above.

According to the Syrian news agency, the two leaders discussed the situation "in the occupied Palestinian territories and the conflict between the Palestinian factions." They agreed that there was a need to reach an intra-Palestinian reconciliation, which would help bolster the Arab stand in the face of "the reckless Israeli steps against the Palestinian people."

That's right...they got together to discuss reckless Israel...and the plight of the poor Palestinians. By the couldn't pay either country to take any of those poor Palestinians into their own countries.

Read it here;,2506,L-3838931,00.html

You simply must look at this article so you can see the picture of these two men meeting. The unmatched sofas set against the 1970's fabric of Gaddafi's tent combined with the mis-matched boxes of me little hope that these folks are going to accomplish anything positive for planet earth or their poor what little time their kingdoms have remaining.

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