
Monday, January 25, 2010

New York Bloodbath

We have been watching California for sometime, looking for clues of what may be coming for the rest of us in regards to financial collapse. We should also be watching New York, Arizona, Las Vegas, and Florida.

Why?? Because these states were the biggest benefactors of the great real estate boom. The bigger the rise--the harder the fall.

But California and New York have something else going on that has been cooking for decades....mainly the illusion that you can have it all. They believed that you can have great parks, great roads, great education, great public utilities....basically you can have the best of everything...and you can have it forever!! Paying for it all has always been of secondary concern. Remember the Beach Boys classic hit, "California dreamin'"?

We already know California has met with Obama and begged the Federal Government to come help CA avoid bankruptcy.

And now a "bloodbath" may be coming for New York. (focused on the of now.)

Mayor Michael Bloomberg says David Paterson's (New York's Governor) proposed budget would be balanced by a bloodbath in New York City.

The Mayor predicted it would force him to lay off 8,500 teachers and 10,000 other city employees, including more than 3,000 police officers and 1,000 firefighters.
City jails would lose 900 correction officers, leaving the current inmate population unmanageable and city streets would lose 50 percent of the trash-can pickups that keep them clean.

"Want to guess how that's going to sit with taxpayers?" Bloomberg asked. "Let me tell you the voters of New York City aren't going to take it."

Bloomberg is expected to unveil his preliminary NYC budget plan, known as "the January plan" on Thursday. One interesting question will be whether he factors in these proposed state cuts to his presentation and issues a doomsday budget plan -- or instead, presents a "best case scenario" in the hopes that a compromise in Albany will provide relief.

Read it here;

So who does Mayor Bloomberg suggest should pay for the incredibly expensive lifestyle of living in New York city? Should there be a tax on North Dakotans or Minnesotans? Aren't the rest of the states going to have sufficient financial problems of their own?

And we know that all these states will ultimately go running and crying to the Federal Government...."Please, please, please!! Can you print some more money for us?? Can you try to borrow some more money from us from China, India or Australia?"

California is already in D.C. begging.....and the state of New York will be right on their heels.

If the Federal Government gives in and bails out the states...who will the Federal Government then need to go begging to?

Can anyone say, "International Monetary Fund"? Can anyone say, "One world government"?

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