
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tension Builds With Turkey

Let's remember that Turkey is one of the named players in Ezekiel 38. In Ezekiel's day, most of that area was called Beth-torgamah.

Let's remember that Turkey and Israel had very good relations up until last year....and have virtually fallen off a cliff ever since the Davos, Switzerland incident where Turkey dissed Israel on a public stage. (refresh you memory here;
And now Turkey has been literally running away from Europe and The West and run full into the arms of Russia and Iran...also named players in Ezekiel 38. The End Times coalition is basically in place.....for the very first time in human history.

So we watch for any headlines that have Israel and Turkey mentioned in the same sentence. And here is one for today;
Israel rebukes Turkey over a television series

The meeting with the ambassador, Ahmet Oguz Celikkol, was called over the fictional television series Valley of the Wolves, popular in Turkey.

It depicts Israeli intelligence operatives running operations to kidnap babies and convert them to Judaism.

Last October Israel complained over another Turkish series, which depicted Israeli soldiers killing Palestinians. In one clip, an Israeli soldier shoots dead a smiling young girl at close range.

Read it here;

Why is this happening? Because in order to attack a country, you first need to get your citizens hating the people.

Jew hatred is on the rise....and this is a serious sign that Satan is planning something big for the inhabitants of planet earth.

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