
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What's the Question?

Many of you remember Johnny Carson and the skit he used to do called "Carnac the Great". For those of you who don't remember it, Carnac would hold an envelope to his head that contained a question. He would then tell the audience the answer without ever seeing the question. And then to many laughs he would open the envelope and read the question.

That seems to be what's going on in Iran as of late. The Iranian government has one answer...and the answer is; "Israel and America."

And the question is; Who killed the Iranian nuclear physicist?

Last week the question was; Who is responsible for the riots in Tehran?

Last fall the question was; Who organized the riots surrounding the corrupted election results?

Now, in reality....that answer may be correct some of the time. We don't know what the CIA or Israeli Mossad may be doing to support the opposition....we also don't know what they may be doing to disrupt the development of a nuclear weapon.

Either way...when I saw this headline, it just made me think of Carnac;
Iran nuclear physicist killed: Iran sees US, Israel behind the attack

Iran's state-run Press TV described Massoud Ali-Mohammadi, a lecturer at Tehran University, as a "staunch supporter" of the 1979 Islamic revolution –and thus the current regime. It said a booby-trapped motorbike exploded near his home and that police were investigating the "terrorist case."

Press TV correspondent Amir Mehdi Kazemi, reporting from the scene of the assassination, quoted security officials as saying that the equipment and system of the bomb used in the attack had been related to a number of foreign intelligence agencies, particularly Israel's Mossad.

You can read it here;

Remember....none of us will truly know what really happened and who killed this nuclear physicist until 25 years from now when Ahmadinejad or a retired spook in the CIA writes a book and tells us how it went down.

For now, we can just watch the headlines and realize that the Iranian regime desperately needs to try and focus it's citizens anger on the U.S. and Israel.

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