
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Air Force Witches

This headline fits in well to the "Mocking God" category.
Neo-Pagans Get Worship Circle at Air Force Academy

Witches, Druids and pagans rejoice! The Air Force Academy in Colorado is about to recognize its first Wiccan prayer circle, a Stonehenge on the Rockies that will serve as an outdoor place of worship for the academy's neo-pagans.

Wiccan cadets and officers on the Colorado Springs base have been convening for over a decade, but the school will officially dedicate a newly built circle of stones on about March 10, putting the outdoor sanctuary on an equal footing with the Protestant, Catholic, Jewish and Buddhist chapels on the base.

Read it here;,2933,584500,00.html?test=latestnews

We were hopeful that the U.S. military was going to be the last holdout for sanity. We were hopeful that "God and Country" would be the foundation on which the military would stand. But now it seems that even the greatest military ever assembled has fallen prey to political correctness.

I'm sure what will soon be following is a demand to remove the crosses on the tombstones at all national cemeteries....and that a cry will go up from the witches to dedicate a stone circle at every national cemetery.

God tells us over and over that He is a jealous God. His wrath WILL be poured out on those who continually reject him.

Honestly long can it be before he rips this country off the blessed pedestal that He has put us on?

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