
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Voodoo Priest Not Happy

It appears that the Haitian high priest of not happy with how aid is being handed out. He claims the Christians are getting special treatment because Christians are in charge of most of the food and relief effort.

Mr Voodoo High priest....can I ask a question please?? Does the Christian Bible tell Christians that we are supposed to give preference to caring for fellow believers FIRST? You don't know?? May I suggest that you read the letters of Paul and ask the God of Israel to give you wisdom and discernment as you read. And when you read the OT and get to the part about putting to death those who would summon the dead and mediums who summon spirits....would you please hi light that??

Mr Beauvoir, 75, a Sorbonne-educated biochemist, spoke as a first convoy of aid arrived at his home in Mariani, a town just outside Port-au-Prince. It contained 400 sacks of rice from the World Food Programme and was mobbed by hundreds of hungry voodoo believers.
"It is the first delivery and it took a couple of weeks fight to get that for the voodoo people," said Mr Beauvoir.
At the weekend hundreds of voodoo houngans, or priests, gathered in the northern town of Gonaives to plan how to react to the earthquake that left an estimated 200,000 people dead on Jan 12.
Following the earthquake the US television evangelist Pat Roberston said Haiti made a "pact with the devil" 200 years ago when it defeated French colonists.
"I don't know much about him and I don't think I'm losing much," said Mr Beauvoir. "Voodoo as been discriminated against for 200 years.

Notice the sentence that I put in bold above....the voodoo priests got together to plan how to react to the earthquake. I'm reminded of the story of Elijah inviting all the priests of Baal to come to one spot and call on Baal for a show of power. Of course, Baal never showed up....but the God of Israel did and he gave Elijah super human power to kill all the priests of Baal.

Missionaries equating voodoo with devil worship have long tried to convert the population of Haiti but the religion, a mixture of Christianity and animism, remains ingrained. Like Christianity it has one God but incorporates pagan elements such as spell casting and calling spirits.
Mr Beauvoir’s grand house, the Peristyle de Mariani, is a voodoo temple where followers dance around a totem pole in the grounds to the sound of drums. Bonfires are lighted to attract spirits and the blood of animals, including goats and chickens, is drained and used to heal the sick.

Did you catch that BUT that I put in bold above? According to the liberal reporter writing the article....he tries to make comparisons between voodoo and Christianity. We both have one God...but voodoo uses spells and the calling of spirits.....BUT THAT'S REALLY THE ONLY DIFFERENCE!!

Read it here;

Notice also in the article how many in Haiti believe that the earthquake was a warning from God....and many are calling radio stations asking listeners to repent of their sins as to avert another punishment. Don't know if that is real solid theology....but if it wakes people up and steers them to Christ...then praise God!!

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