
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Abortion--The Game Show

And just when you thought TV had slid to it's lowest depths....we now find a new show where viewers can text in (like American Idol) and vote whether the shows actresses should have abortions.

The show is called "Bump". (get it??)

And here are the first three story lines;

Katie, who is married, is the most appealing by virtue of what seems to be a genuine moral conflict. "Once I make it, I can't go back," she says. Her dilemma is further complicated by the fact that her pregnancy is more recent than her husband's departure for Iraq.

Denise is a ditzy child-woman who loves red candies and picks all the red Starbursts from the bowl at the doctor's office. Already the mother of two, she is also a victim of domestic violence. A "whatever" kind of gal, she's mostly interested in the financial help promised by the show.

Finally, the loathsome Hailey and her icky boyfriend, Jason, just want to get on the reality show. They're the party crashers at the abortion clinic. Yippee.

So viewers are supposed to engage in thoughtful debate and then text in their vote on who should abort.

Read it here;

And God said, "I knew you before I knit you into your mother's womb."

And America said, "We could give a rip what you say God, we want to do whatever we want!!...and if murdering the most innocent and indefensible will aid us in our quest for happiness and the American dream....then God be damned!!"

Genesis 6:5, "The Lord saw how great man's wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time."

The next big event after this verse was the world wide flood....and only Noah and his family were saved.

Friends....God will not be mocked. His wrath and justice WILL come.

Hat tip to Lisa H.

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