
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Terror Attack Coming

Do you remember how we have talked about America's Achilles heel? We all know what it is....electricity and communications. If we can't turn our cell phone on in the morning or if the lights go out...we have all become utterly helpless.

A few years ago a local cell phone tower went out so no one in our neighborhood had cell coverage. People were wandering around the neighborhood looking lost as they hadn't heard from their kids, they didn't know when anyone was coming was bewildering.

Today the main headline on Google is that the U.S. Senate has been told that a major terror attack could be coming by Al Qaeda before July...and what might they be planning to hit?

WASHINGTON — America’s top intelligence official told lawmakers on Tuesday that he was “highly certain” that Al Qaeda or one of its affiliates would attempt a large-scale attack on American soil within the next six months.

But Mr. Blair began his annual threat testimony before Congress by saying that the threat of a crippling attack on telecommunications and other computer networks was growing as an increasingly sophisticated group of enemies had “severely threatened” the sometimes fragile systems undergirding the country’s information infrastructure.
“Malicious cyberactivity is occurring on an unprecedented scale with extraordinary sophistication,” he told the Senate Intelligence Committee.

His emphasis on the threat points up the growing concerns among American intelligence officials about the potentially devastating results of a coordinated attack on the nation’s technology apparatus, sometimes called a “cyber Pearl Harbor.”

So now we have a name for the potential disaster; cyber Pearl Harbor.

Read it here;

Some will continue to say, "Everything is going to be O.K. We'll be fine. That's not gonna happen!"

God says to ONLY have faith in Him....because all things of man will one day be burned away. Have we ignored His warning and put all our faith and hope in technology....all of which requires electricity to function? Have any of us ever had to look to Him for our daily bread?....or are we confident that Cub foods will always supply our every need....24 hours per day?

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