
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Biggest Bubble in History

We know that modern Western man has a great history of always being invested in the wrong thing at the wrong time. Why? Because greed is a huge motivator and we always feel like everyone else is making money someplace that we aren't. So a bubble starts to build and the larger it grows....the bigger the pop.

Let's think back to the tech stock run up in the late 1990's. Stocks like Yahoo and Amazon...basically anything that had the word "dot-com" in it were going up 50% per year. We all started hearing stories at the water cooler of someone who doubled their money in 6 months....and we start to get jealous. And that went on for 3-4 years in a we are angry that everyone got rich but us (we believe anyway) we move all our 401k or IRA into the Tech Stock dot-com fund....just to watch it crash and most folks lose 50% with no hope of recovery.

From there we move all our money to real estate because everyone starts hearing of how everyone is doubling their money, flipping homes and all are going to be multi-millionaires,....everyone BUT US!!

So we move our money into cabins and bigger homes....just in time to watch the whole market crash. Now MILLIONS of people are upside down on homes and cabins....and millions may just decide to walk away from them...thereby causing more intense pain for that market.

Now everyone tells themselves they have learned their lesson about risk so they are going to move into bonds where they can earn reasonable rates without any risk. So ask there pain soon coming in this segment of the market?

According this analyst Robert Prechter....this bond market is sitting on the biggest bubble in the history of the world...and it is about to pop.

Watch/read his analysis here;,%5EGSPC,TBT,UUP,SHY,JNK,TLT&sec=topStories&pos=9&asset=&ccode

This is interesting from a prophetic point of view because it could further rip Mammon (god of wealth) out of our hands....but also because we saw the words, "Biggest bubble in the history of the world."

Huge-Grand things are happening....for the VERY FIRST time. It is God's desire that all would be saved and He certainly is shaking the world...but yet we know that most are still sound asleep.

Hat tip to Mike S.

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