
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Persia to Correct the World

The Iranian President, Ahmadinejad, recently said it was Iran's "duty" to correct the world.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Iranians were living at the very heart of an Islamic Revolution which is duty bound to correct the whole world and materialize the ideals of humanity.

Read it here;

Who do they have a duty to?....Allah...which we know is currently being used as a tool of Satan.

Who is Iran? Persia.

How do the leaders of Persia think they might go about this? By creating enough chaos to bring about the return of the Mahdi (also referred to as the 12th Imam). Remember, their ancient prophesies talk about chaos ushering in the glory of Islam.

Also remember that Jesus Christ says he will return during a period of chaos and death that will get so severe that if "those days weren't cut short, no flesh would survive."

Are you starting to see some similarities? Can we maybe understand that Satan has read the Bible and then twists it to deceive man?

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