
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Boomers Bankrupt S.S.?

The article posted below builds on the headline we talked about during adult education last Sunday.....the unsustainable Social Security system.

Of course the "experts" say there is currently a surplus in S.S. and it won't start paying more than it takes in until 2017. But ask a simple question; is that money really sitting there in the bank ready to draw down on?...or is the "surplus" really just a bunch of $00 (zeroes) sitting on a spread sheet that really are just paper I.O.U.'s issued by the Federal Government?

As the record federal budget deficit draws increasing scrutiny from Washington to Wall Street to Main Street, deficit hawks may take aim at entitlement programs including Social Security.
And, the nearly 80 million Baby Boomers phasing into retirement will set in motion a dynamic that—if not addressed by Congress—could result in the next generation getting fewer benefits.

Also, this article talks about the "bargain" that current retirees are that they only paid in 2-3% of salary over their working careers....and now workers are forced to pay in 3 time that much simply to keep retirees in the benefits their generation voted themselves.

You can read it here;

It's sad that we have put together numerous schemes in an attempt to believe that we have 100% matter what. But God tells us that all the schemes of man will one day be torn down...because they are all corrupt.

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