
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Persia Warns the West

Not only has Persia (Iran) ignored the now seems intent on warning the world that it is going to have some great show of force on February 11.

TEHRAN — Iran's all powerful supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Monday that the 31st anniversary of the Islamic revolution would be a "punch" to the world's "arrogant" powers that would stun them.
"The Iranian nation, with its unity and God's grace, will punch the arrogance (Western powers) on the 22nd of Bahman (February 11) in a way that will leave them stunned," Khamenei, who is also Iran's commander-in-chief, told a gathering of air force personnel.

Read it here;

I can tell you one thing...if they pop off a nuclear bomb....that mushroom cloud would go off like an alarm bell in Israel...and maybe the world will finally realize that Iran really does want a nuclear bomb.

Also as long as we are speaking of of the factors that Israel is watching is the Iranian air defense system. Currently, the system is pretty weak and Israel feels confident that it could penetrate it fairly simply with its bombers.

However, they know that Iran is trying to install a new system that they have purchased from Russia. We have posted about this in the past.

Now Iran is saying they have a new system which will soon be installed.

TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran will soon unveil a domestically-made air defence system with at least the same capability as Russia's S-300 anti-aircraft hardware, an Iranian air force commander was quoted as saying on Monday.
Last month, Russia's state arms trader declined to say whether it would go ahead with the sale of S-300 to Iran, which could protect the Islamic Republic's nuclear facilities from air strikes.
Iranian officials have expressed growing irritation at Russia's failure so far to supply the missile system, which Israel and the United States do not want Tehran to have.
"The only equipment we wanted to import from abroad was the S-300 ... which Russia, based upon unacceptable reasons, has not delivered yet," the official IRNA news agency quoted commander Heshmatollah Kassiri as saying.
"In the near future, a new locally-made air defence system will be unveiled by the country's experts and scientists which is as powerful as the S-300 missile defence system, or even stronger," he said.

Read it here;

So do they have the system....or don't they? If you were Israel and knew that the clock was ticking every single day as your mortal enemy continues to work on your annihilation....what would you do?

Remember, Israel might choose to launch an attack against Hezbollah in Lebanon and/or Syria....since both of those enemies are fully supported, bought and paid for by Iran. This would be like punching Iran in the gut and sending a severe message without actually attacking Iran directly.

If this does happen, it could quickly set in motion Psalm 83...which would then set the table for Ezekiel 38.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem....just as the Bible tells us to.

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