
Friday, February 12, 2010

Euro Slide

We have talked and written much in the past 3 yrs about the slide of the U.S. economy, the U.S. dollar and the U.S. government. No doubt all this negative talk has left folks wondering where the heck we should leave our last bit of earthly treasure so we can buy milk, eggs and gasoline until Christ returns.

Of course we can't move on here without echoing the words of Christ...who told us to store up our treasure in heaven where moth and rust will not destroy.

Amen! And it should be a constant challenge to us all to constantly evaluate where our real treasure is. If we looked at our check books...would we discover we spent more on vacations and entertainment than we did on the Kingdom? Did we spend more on mortgage payments last year than we did on the Kingdom?

Jesus reminds us to look in our checkbook registers because, "Where your treasure is, there also is your heart." Wow. Does that mean I care more about my house than I do about the Kingdom? Did we spend more on caring for our horses than we spent on the Kingdom?

But we still need milk, eggs, mortgage payments and what's a Child of the Light supposed to do? Should we invest it all in Europe, China, India,......Israel?

Not so fast. Europe is having its own serious problems as Greece, Spain and others face bankruptcy....investors are running from the Euro currency...and back into the relative safety of the U.S. dollar.

FRANKFURT—The prospect of prolonged economic malaise in Europe's most debt-laden countries could undercut the continent's economy as a whole and linger for years, economists warn, even if European officials manage to solve Greece's immediate funding crisis.
Massive interest payments that countries such as Greece must make to service their debts will likely constrain spending in other areas that could help boost their economies.
Meanwhile, investors may balk at buying government bonds without a hefty premium that would saddle the countries with even more debt. The countries can't devalue their currencies to help cope, as they could before joining the euro zone with its shared currency.
Their continuing struggle could weigh on investors' views of other countries of the 16-nation bloc that carry heavy debt.

Read about Europe's bankruptcy and confidence problems here;

It has dawned on me over the past few days that, yes, certainly, America is in decline.....but most of the rest of the world is also in serious decline. So really we need to ask ourselves where the BEST-LEAST-WORST-PLACE will we can best care for the talents (resources) that the Lord has entrusted to we can care for our families.

How about if we looked to the Bible for some guidance? What do we know with certainty from the Word of God?

One thing for sure....Israel is going to come into great wealth before the maybe we should look to hold some money in Israeli shekels or invest in some Israeli stocks and bonds?

Secondly, Paul tells us that the Holy Spirit acts as "a restrainer" which holds back the dark forces of evil....until the Restrainer is withdrawn during the Rapture of the Church. So maybe we should look at the countries of the world that have the highest levels, per capita, of Folks who are indwelt with the Holy Spirit? other words, where is the highest focus of Children of the Light?

You guys can start thinking about that....start Googling that and start praying about that. Please share with me any insights you can come up with...but I am guessing that as pathetic as the U.S. has become in it's worship of Mammon....we may be sitting in one of the top which to watch the world come apart.

How's that for some backward good news? Do you feel a little better now?

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