
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Fathers of the Nephilim

Many have heard our discussions about the Nephilim that the Bible mentions in Genesis 6. For those who are new to this discussion, I will give you a quick explanation.

In Genesis 3, God curses man for sinning and also curses Satan and tells Satan that one day a human being will crush his head...which means he will be destroyed by a human being. Once Satan heard this he started a campaign to destroy and/or corrupt the flesh of men. So he sent some rank of his fallen angels that were capable of having intercourse with women....and the result was the Nephilim. They were some sort of mutant beings that were very large. Goliath was the most famous one.

The reason God destroyed the earth with a flood was because all human flesh had been corrupted and was leading them to do intense evil. But God always keeps a remnant...and Noah and his family were that remnant and they were the family that kept the pure human DNA...that eventually led to Jesus Christ who defeated Satan on the cross and will come again (soon, I hope) to first cast Satan into the Abyss for 1000 years...and then will bring him out for a little while and crush his head once and for all.

Lest you think I am making this up, I have found a set of talks for you to listen to by Chuck Missler. Chuck is a big time prophecy guy and borderline genius when it comes to understanding science, quantum physics, etc...

Here is the site;

I would suggest listening to part one first....Fathers of the Nephilim. Also I would suggest having your Bibles and a highliter ready to go, because if you haven't connected the dots yet on these amazing may not be able to fully understand what may soon be coming for planet earth.

As Jesus said, "As it was in the days of shall it be at the coming of the Son of Man." Matthew 24

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