
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Israel Leading Mid-East to War

The rumors of war and tough talk between Israel and Syria seems to be growing.

Syrian President Bashar Assad said on Wednesday that Israel is not serious about its intentions to make peace with Damascus as evidenced by "its conduct which is leading the region to war."

Israel responds to that statement by saying the exact opposite is true.

"The statements by the senior Syrian leadership are most regrettable; in reality, the complete opposite is true. The prime minister has said many times the he would be willing to travel to any place in the world, at any time, in order to open peace negotiations with Syria without preconditions."

Syria responds to that statement by calling Israel the thugs of the middle east and warning that if their is a war with Israel...Syria will bring the fight Israeli cities.

"Israel is indeed planting the seeds of war in the region, I would tell them stop playing the role of thugs in the Middle East," Moallem told reporters Tuesday in Damascus. "One day you threaten Gaza, next day you threaten Lebanon, later Iran and now Syria," Moallem told a joint news conference with Moratinos. "Don't test, you Israelis, the determination of Syria. You know that war this time would move to your cities. Come to your senses and choose the road of peace. This path is clear," Moallem warned.

Read it here;

Can anyone else out there see the makings of Psalm 83 and possibly Isaiah 17 coming to fulfillment if these guys start trading missiles?

If we do see that come to fruition...then all of us who claim Christ should look up....and listen for the trumpet...and the loud voice saying, "Come up here!"

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