
Thursday, February 4, 2010

Trash Talk Heats Up

Yesterday we posted about the back and forth accusations that Israel and Syria are trading.

Today there is a new round.

Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Avigdor Lieberman this morning warned Syrian President Bashar Assad that he and his family would lose their reign in the event of war with Israel. Lieberman made his statement at a Business Forum hosted by the Friends of Bar-Ilan University.

Minister Lieberman was referring to a comment made yesterday by the Syrian President that Israel is not serious about its intentions to make peace with Damascus as evidenced by "its conduct which is leading the region to war." Lieberman declared that Assad's statement had 'crossed a red line'.

"We heard Defense Minister [Ehud] Barak's sincere call for peace with Syria, and we have now received Syria's answer. Whoever thinks territorial concessions will disconnect Damascus from the Axis of Evil is wrong," Lieberman asserted.

Read it here;

Wow!! Those are some fightin' words..."Crossing red lines", and threatening the Syrian royal family, and admitting in public that giving land to terrorists won't work.....this is a recipe for a brawl.

Remember, to the Arab mind....honor is the #1 goes far above life or death, far above truth or lies. This is why Arab men will kill their daughters for dishonoring the family. And now that Israel has publicly threatened the Assad family....look for them to protect their honor....and they may be willing to die and take down thousands with them while clinging to their honor.

We have pointed you to it a bunch of times....but please open your Bibles to Isaiah 17 and read the first three verses...notice the verse 3 says, "The fortified city will disappear from Ephraim, and royal power from Damascus;...."

Now go back and read the Israeli threats towards the royal family in Damascus.

Is God about to do a mighty thing against the ancient enemies of Israel?

1 comment:

  1. Do you think that that Kurdish nationalism may also play a key part in the end-time scenario. They certainly seem to appear as a major player in the ultimate destruction of Babylon. The destruction of Babylon is prophesied in Isaiah 13 and 14 and Jeremiah 50 and 51. Isaiah 13:17 alludes to "the Medes" as participants in Babylon's destruction Both Isaiah and Jeremiah describe a destruction "like Sodom and Gomorrah," and after which it is never to be inhabited, etc. All of which is future and appears as a climactic event in the Book of Revelation.5 I wonder what the Kurds are up to latley. I think I will look and see.
