
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Mark of the Beast Draws Closer

God's Word is very clear that during the Great Tribulation, people will need to have some mark on their right hand or forehead that links them to the global-financial-system. You can find this passage in Revelation 13:16

Since we know the Tribulation is close, we are continuing to watch for movement towards things that will happen....because it gives us an urgency that the rapture of the church must happen first. As Missler says, "When you see the decorations start to go up for know Thanksgiving must be close."

So here is a big one that seems to be coming out of Greece. Let's remember that Greece is near bankruptcy and default on its the powers of this world never want to waste a good crisis...which means they will always try and grab a bit more power and control whenever a crisis presents itself.

"From 1. Jan. 2011, every transaction above 1,500 euros between natural persons and businesses, or between businesses, will not be considered legal if it is done in cash. Transactions will have to be done through debit or credit cards"

Read it here;

Did you catch that? It will be ILLEGAL to buy things with cash! Instead, YOU MUST use a debit or credit card. And as we all know, every time we swipe a card...all of our info of what, where, when and how we purchased something becomes a permanent record on our permanent file.

Using cash or barter is really the ONLY way left to purchase if you want to stay off the grid. And now Greece will be the first country to make cash purchases illegal.

Are you connecting the dots folks? Does this quicken your hearts because we know that our glorified bodies and our Savior are drawing close? It should.

Hat tip to Bob K.

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