
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

U.S. Department of Peace

OK folks...before you go to this site and start listening to Walter Cronkite endorse this Department of Peace....please fasten you vomit bags securely around your neck.

Jan Markell had sent out the heads up on this new department that some 250 Congressmen have already I went to the site to look around. Of course it is playing right into the hands of the spirit of Antichrist to formulate a one world government that will start off with a peace agreement.

So I clicked on the Walter Cronkite link to see what this trusted, U.S. icon had to say;

Did you hear Walter say, "One conscious effort...where true safety lies." He seems to believe that if we can have a new Peace Department that violence in schools will vanish, crime in the streets will come to a halt...and more importantly, the world will want to join us in our peace parade.

This world is getting so wacky it is starting to feel like we are living in the Twilight Zone.

Also notice that Jan Markell points out that Oprah and Marianne Williamson are some powers behind this peace movement;

But who is the unofficial ambassador for all of this? Famous "New Ager" Marianne Williamson whose "Course in Miracles" has deceived so many people over the years. This seductive, "new spirituality" book was hyped by Oprah Winfrey every day in 2009 on Oprah's Internet outlet. Winfrey continues to be a major player in this movement. She is a guru in the shadows providing a platform for every form of deception and delusion imaginable. And millions swallow her Kool-Aid as though all of her words and her guests represent gospel truth.

No doubt, the world is going to run toward peace and anyone who promises that he can attain it. But while people are saying "Peace and safety", then destruction will come on them suddenly....says God.

Remember, Jesus said VERY clearly that there WILL BE wars and rumors of wars....right up until the day He returns to usher in the Millenium. For man to pretend we can create our own Peace Garden here on the height of arrogance.


  1. Jan Markell obviously has a strong aversion to the idea of a Department of Peace, but some of her statements indicate to me that she has not read the proposed legislation itself and that she is forming her opinions based on what she's been told by someone else, which may have not been entirely accurate.

    The proposed bill - H.R. 808 - can be read at the Library of Congress site (THOMAS (Library of Congress)) . At present, there are 72 cosponsors in the House (not 288), so there is no imminent danger of this legislation passing any time soon.

    Also, there is nothing in the legislation that says "if you don't believe God is in everyone you are working against world peace". I don't know where this came from, but it sounds like an interpretation based on the spiritual leanings of someone like Williamson who may support the legislation. Yes, Williamson is a New Age whack job. But her support of the Department of Peace legislation doesn't automatically make it a bad idea. Again, I would encourage you to read the bill and form your own opinion instead of condemning the idea because of who else may support it.

    The idea for a Department of Peace is not some recent concept generated by New Age spiritualists to rid society of fundamentalism. The Founding Fathers - notably Benjamin Rush and Benjamin Banneker - proposed such an idea to augment the Department of War as the government was first being created. The idea has been raised many times since then, but has never received enough support to become reality.

    According to the Centers for Disease Control, there is an epidemic of violence in our society that needs attention. Too many people's lives are ruined by violence - both the victims and the perpetrators. The traditional approach of locking the perpetrators up has not reduced the level of violence, so a new approach is needed. No one who supports the Department of Peace thinks the work will be easy - that violence in schools will suddenly vanish. But there is evidence that shows the types of proposals in the Department of Peace legislation will have a positive impact on reducing violence within the U.S. and abroad.

    God gave us the tools we need to counteract man's sinful nature - we just need the will to use them. It's what the Prince of Peace would want us to do.

    If you agree that violence in society is a problem that needs to be resolved, and you don't support the idea of a Department of Peace after you have studied the legislation for yourself, then I would be interested in hearing your ideas on how to address the violence problem (keeping in mind that what has been tried in the past has not worked).

  2. Great comments. Thanks for your input.

    Personally, I don't care to read the whole plan for the Department of Peace. I'm fairly certain that creating another Government agency will do absolutely nothing to quell the violence that is erupting all over the globe.

    The reason for the increase in violence has everything to do with our lack of understanding (and disobedience) of what the Prince of Peace told his followers to do while we are on planet earth.

    He told us all to go and make disciples of Jesus Christ. (Great Commission) He also told us to "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God." It's very apparent to me that this is not being done en masse by people who claim to be "Christians."

    We already have a Department of Peace in this country...and it's the Holy Spirit that is indwelt in all believers.

    If the citizens of this country truly started looking for the Kingdom of God instead of chasing the god of wealth (Mammon)...I would guarantee you would see a serious decrease in violence.

    Jesus told us the signs that would preclude His return...and outbreaks of violence, wars, rumors of wars, greed, ungratefullness, disrespectul children, earthquakes, famines and pestilence are just a few. The fact that all these things are happening all at once is why Children of the Light are getting focused on the soon return of the King...and why we are not excited about another Governmental agency...which has NO HOPE of accomplishing anything...except putting more debt on the next generation...and continuing to pave the way for the Antichrist.
