
Friday, March 5, 2010

2012-New World Order

This article is intensely interesting in that is has NOTHING to do with Christianity or Revelation. It is a totally secular article that is focused on the financial condition of the world

I will post some of the amazing paragraphs below and show how even the unbelieving world knows that something large is coming....and how the author, unbeknownst to even himself, is talking about Last Days prophesies.

First off we have the fact strange fact that he is saying this stuff could be coming in 2012. The article, in fact, is titled; CRASHING TOWARD A NEW WORLD SOCIAL ORDER 2012.

2012 might not be the exact year, but it's difficult to see the endgame lasting much beyond that, and the masters of the universe love symbolism, as with 911 (both in Chile and in Manhattan), KLA 007, and others. 2012 is loaded with symbolism, eg. the Mayan Calendar, and the Internet is buzzing with various 2012-related prophecies, survival strategies, anticipated alien interventions, alignments with galactic radiation fields, etc. And then there is the Hollywood film, 2012, which explicitly portrays the demise of most of humanity, and the pre-planned salvation of a select few. One never knows with Hollywood productions, what is escapist fantasy, and what is aimed at preparing the public mind symbolically for what is to come.

He next references the likelihood of a one world government.

In our post-2012 world, we have for the first time one centralized global government, and one ruling elite clique, a kind of extended royal family, the lords of finance. As we can see with the IMF, WHO, and the WTO, and the other pieces of the embryonic world government, the institutions of governance will make no pretensions about popular representation or democratic responsiveness. Rule will be by means of autocratic global bureaucracies, who take their marching orders from the royal family. This model has already been operating for some time, within its various spheres of influence, as with the restructuring programs forced on the third world, as a condition for getting financing.

He then goes on to describe how everyone will be micro chipped so that all their money-credits will be carried with them where ever they go.

On a daily basis, you will need to go through checkpoints of various kinds, with varying levels of security requirements. This is where biometrics becomes important. If people can be implanted with chips, then much of the security can be automated, and everyone can be tracked at at all times, and their past activity retrieved. The chip links into your credit balance, so you've got all your currency always with you, along with your medical records and lots else that you don't know about.

And finally, he says that a great shock to the world will be necessary to implement all these enormous changes. THINK ABOUT THE RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH!!

For such a profound transformation to be possible, it is easy to see that a very great shock is required, on the scale of collapse and social chaos, and possibly on the scale of a nuclear exchange. There needs to be an implicit mandate to 'do whatever is necessary to get society running again'. The shock needs to leave people in a condition of total helplessness comparable to the survivors in the bombed-out rubble of Germany and Japan after World War 2. Nothing less will do.

Read it here;

Friends...this article is MORE than's actually a little bit freaky that this economist just spelled out a very likely scenario of what is coming for planet earth....and it plays directly into what the Bible says. Wars, rapture, chaos, one world government promising to restore order, and a mark or chip required by everyone in order to buy or sell anything.

Let's all ask ourselves again this simple question....ARE WE READY TO SOON MEET OUR LORD AND SAVIOR IN THE AIR?

1 comment:

  1. Matthew devotes 2 chapters to the 2nd coming of Christ. How does Jesus prepare his followers for his return? He tells them stories: The parable of the wise and foolish virgins; the parable of the sheep and the goats; and the parable of the talents. However, in our familiarity with these stories we might miss the importance of their setting. Each story is told in the context of his second coming. Jesus is teaching us how to prepare for his return.
