
Friday, March 5, 2010

Assign Blame

The U.S. is trying desperately to get Israel and the Palestinians to talk about peace.

So nothing has changed there....they can talk about it for the next 3000 years and as long as Islam is taken over with Satanic deception....they will NEVER make peace with Israel, no matter what Israel does or says.

But here is the interesting part;....the US has said that if peace talks fail, they will assign blame to whatever party they feel has the most blame.

The United States government has committed to playing a role in indirect talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, and promised that if the talks were to fail, the U.S. will assign blame and take action, according to a document sent by the U.S. to the Palestinian Authority, which Haaretz obtained on Friday.

The U.S. government sent the document to the Palestinians responding to their inquires regarding the U.S. initiative to launch indirect talks between Israel and the Palestinians.

"We expect both parties to act seriously and in good faith. If one side, in our judgment, is not living up to our expectations, we will make our concerns clear and we will act accordingly to overcome that obstacle," it was written.

Did you catch that? The USA will expect Israel to live up to OUR EXPECTATIONS!!!

I wonder what God will do to USA if we don't live up to HIS expectations but we continue to lean on Israel to divide God's land and make peace with the devil, the sons of Lot, Esau and Ishmael?

Read it here;


  1. Pray, Pray, Pray for the peace of Israel and for US citizens and leaders in Washington to WAKE-UP!!! If there isn't an awakening then I would say that the US is in deep DOO DOO.

  2. I would concur......clearly the only thing that is going to pull us out of this situation is the power of God. It sure seems that man has reached the end of his rope. "Thy kingdom come!"
