
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Rumors Build

Will Israel attack Iran? It appears the rumors are building that something big is cooking.

JERUSALEM — Preparations for a strike against Iran’s nuclear program are as evident as ever: the introduction of an attack drone capable of flying hundreds of miles, the frequent open talk of a possible attack, the distribution of new gas masks to the public.

But lately, the real action in Israel on the Iranian issue has been the parade of top American security officials. The chairman of the joint chiefs, the director of the C.I.A. and the national security adviser have all just been here; the vice president arrives on Monday.

Now notice how the article ends;

“From a closer distance, in Israel, it looks like a tipping point of the whole regional order.”

In other words, as a top Israeli official put it afterward: “For the Americans, Iran is a strategic threat. For us, it’s an existential one.”

Whether that difference becomes more significant in the coming year will help determine whether Israel breaks ranks with Washington.

Notice the words, "tipping point" and also "Israel breaks ranks with Washington."

Certainly it WOULD be a tipping point for us if we break ranks with Israel.

Read article here;

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