
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Turkey Miffed at U.S.

Breaking news concerning Turkey just hit Google. It's being reported that Turkey is going to recall its U.S. Ambassador.

Turkey recalled its ambassador to Washington tonight after a congressional panel voted to label the massacre of Armenians in the First World War as "genocide", in developments that threatened to poison relations between the US and its closest Muslim ally.

Despite pressure to drop the matter by the Obama administration, the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee voted 23-22 to approve the resolution, which calls on the US to formally refer to the massacre as genocide. The vote means that the resolution - which is non-binding - is now cleared for consideration by the full House.

Turkey had warned that its ties with the United States, and attempts to normalise relations with Armenia, would be damaged if the resolution were approved. Turkey and Armenia signed a protocol last year to normalise relations but it has yet to pass through the parliament of either country.

In a last-ditch attempt to avoid a vote, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton telephoned Howard Berman, the House Foreign Affairs Committee chairman, a fellow Democrat, to highlight the potential fallout.

See it here;

Why is this prophetic? Because we have already seen that Turkey has fallen away from relations with Israel...and now they are falling away from the U.S. And whose arms are they falling into?? Russia and Iran.

Now open your Bibles again and read Ezekiel 38 and 39 and you will understand that the coalition spoken of includes Russia, Iran and Turkey, Libya, Sudan and others.

What does this coalition share? They share contempt for Israel and the U.S.

The Bible says that when this coalition gathers to destroy Israel in the Last Days...that God himself will come and wipe out their armies before they can damage Israel.

So how close are we?

Let's stay sober and keep watching.

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