
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Birth Pangs

In the last few days there have been more earthquakes in Israel, the Philippines, Japan...oh yeah...and a volcano erupted in Iceland that is also causing some earth tremors there.

Some of you may follow Hal Lindsey. I ran across a blurb he did on the increasing frequency of earthquakes and I will post it, with supporting links, below.

Rockin’ and Rollin’

Hal Lindsey

On Sunday, a magnitude 6.6 earthquake struck just off the coast of Honshu, Japan. On the same day, a 7.0 magnitude temblor rocked Indonesia.

In all, there were a total of
11 major earthquakes registering at least 6 on the Richter scale during the week of March 8 thru March 15.

According to the European-Mediterranean Seismological Center, there have been 39 major earthquakes, 6.0 or greater from January 1st to March 15th, 2010.

A similar search reveals that there had not been a single major earthquake magnitude 6 or above during that same period of time from 2000 to 2005. But then the earth started to move.
In 2005, using the same date range, suddenly, there were 30. In 2006, 24. In 2007, 24. In 2008 there were 41. In 2009. there were 28. And 39 so far this year.

As I discussed on last week’s
Hal Lindsey Report, Jesus said that as the final hours of this world as we know it counted down, one of the signs of His soon return would be an increase in both the frequency and severity of earthquake activity.

He also said that when these signs begin to come to pass, our redemption draws near. Folks, the multiplying prophetic signs show that we are well past the beginning.

Now think about a birth cramps then subsides....then comes back bigger before it subsides. They get closer and bigger as the birth nears.

Now take a closer look at the number in bold up above; It starts with zero then jumps to 30, then back to 24 for a few years....then jumps to 41 before falling back to 28 in the year 2009. Now already in 2010 we have had 39.

Of course these birth pangs ARE NOT for birthing the rapture of the church....but instead are the contractions that WILL GIVE BIRTH to the Tribulation.

So if we can feel those and we KNOW we will have been raptured before the close may be to seeing our Lord in the air?

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