
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Financial Collapse

Here is an interesting headline;

Fox News Poll: 79% Say U.S. Economy Could Collapse

Most American voters believe it’s possible the nation’s economy could collapse, and majorities don’t think elected officials in Washington have ideas for fixing it.
The latest Fox News poll finds that 79 percent of voters think it’s possible the economy could collapse, including large majorities of Democrats (72 percent), Republicans (84 percent) and independents (80 percent).

Just 18 percent think the economy is "so big and strong it could never collapse."

Moreover, 78 percent of voters believe the federal government is "larger and more costly" than it has ever been before, and by nearly three-to-one more voters think the national debt (65 percent) is a greater potential threat to the country’s future than terrorism (23 percent).

Read it here;

I guess this could be good news in that the first step in dealing with a problem is recognizing that we have a problem.

With Congress continuing to spend money like drunken sailors...maybe these 79% of voters will start to say "Enough!"

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