
Saturday, March 13, 2010

Disputed City

Palestinians and Israeli troops are scuffling again as the tensions grow.

JERUSALEM — Several dozen Palestinian women scuffled with Israeli troops on the outskirts of Jerusalem on Saturday amid rising religious and political tensions in the disputed city.

The confrontation erupted at the Qalandiya crossing between the West Bank and Jerusalem.
The women chanted "Jerusalem is Arab, our eternal capital," briefly planted a Palestinian flag on one of the crossing's metal gates and tried to push through it. Israeli troops scuffled with the women and dispersed them with tear gas. At one point, a firebomb hit a military jeep and soldiers rushed to extinguish the fire.

As the women withdrew, Palestinian teens threw stones at soldiers who closed the crossing to traffic.

Read it here;

Question; What does the Bible say about who Jerusalem belongs to?

Sadly, these Arabs have believed a HUGE lie....and who does Jesus say is the "father of all lies"?

Tragically, at the rapture of the church....only those who have the Holy Spirit indwelling them when the trumpet blows will be going to meet the Lord in the air.

"I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling......", says the Lord.

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