
Saturday, March 13, 2010

Tickle Our Ears

Here is the speaks for itself;

Vatican calls on priests to limit sermon’s to eight minutes
The Vatican has called for priests to cater to congregations' dwindling attention spans by limiting their sermons to no more than eight minutes.

In what will be welcomed by anyone who has found themselves dozing off in church, the Secretary for the Synod of Bishops, Archbishop Nikola Eterovic, said that homilies should be kept short, pithy and topical.

The Catholic Church is only too aware that in an age of constant distraction provided by mobile phones, television and 24-hour internet access, their audiences sometimes struggle to maintain attention – or even stay awake.

"The homily in general should not go over eight minutes – the average amount of time for a listener to concentrate," the Croatian-born archbishop said.

Clergy should read newspapers so that they can make the Word of God more relevant and contemporary, he added.

See it here;


How much longer, Lord, can the cup of sin continue to fill? How much more ungrateful and disrespectful can we become?

Again, prophetically speaking, remember that Catholicism will most likely play a big part in the one world religion that the Bible speaks of that will be on earth during the Tribulation. Could that mean that many Catholic leaders will be left behind at the rapture because they have failed to believe in Jesus?

"Lord, Lord, didn't we cast out demons in your name.....?"

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