
Monday, March 1, 2010

Farmland and Gold

Even a cursory glance at today's headlines can get you wondering; what the heck is going on??

We have looters in Chile after the worst earthquake in history, dead people floating in flood water in Europe after the worst storms in history, it's raining in Haiti creating a mud bath of germs and disease in the refuge camps after the worst earthquake in history, Marie Osmond's teen-age boy killed himself,....good much can we take??

On top of all this, we have a top investment guru, who correctly called the 1987 stock crash, telling us we better buy farmland and gold because the world is soon going to come apart.

Speaking today, Dr Faber said that investors, who control billions of dollars of assets, should start considering the effects of more disruptive events than mere market volatility.

“The next war will be a dirty war,” he told fund managers: "What are you going to do when your mobile phone gets shut down or the Internet stops working or the city water supplies get poisoned?”

His investment advice, which was the first keynote speech of CLSA’s annual investment forum in Tokyo, included a suggestion that fund managers buy houses in the countryside because it was more likely that violence, biological attack and other acts of a “dirty war” would happen in cities.

Read it here;

This is all interesting, but the most interesting to me was his comments on cell phones and Internet service. As we have said MANY times in adult ed.....our enemies know what our Achilles heel truly is; that runs on electricity. If you shut down our lights, people will turn into animals in the course of a few hours.

The Bible says these days are coming....but Jesus says they MUST encourage each other with these words.

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